Posted 1st July 2024

Celebrating the Heartfelt Words of Raymond

Actor and carer, my home video

At Norse Care, we are deeply committed to fostering a sense of community and belonging among our residents and tenants. We launched a poetry competition inviting residents to write poems about their experiences at Norse Care. The response was overwhelming, with many beautiful and touching entries. Today, we are proud to share the winning poem, penned by the late Raymond Wakefield from Burman House.

Raymond’s poem, “My Home,” beautifully captures the essence of life at Norse Care. His heartfelt words reflect the warmth, care, and sense of family that we strive to provide every day. It is with great sadness that we share the news of Raymond’s passing. His legacy, however, lives on through his poetry, other art, and the joy he brought to those around him.

My Home

If you need a place to stay,

Just pop over and see,

the Norse Care team today

You have a nice room,

To take a rest, and

the food is some of the best.

And you’re not alone,

just because you’ve,

left your home.

There are friends,

here and there,

And people, with

love and care.

Raymond’s words remind us of the importance of community and the comfort that comes from knowing you are surrounded by caring individuals. His poem is featured in a video we created to showcase the spirit of Norse Care, and it will continue to inspire both our staff and residents.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Raymond for his special poem. It serves as a testament to the supportive environment we have at Norse Care. Raymond will be greatly missed, but his memory will forever be cherished through his touching words.

Thank you, Raymond, for capturing the heart of Norse Care so perfectly.